Please find below your full listing for pregnancy classes running throughout the Summer.
The “Wheelie Fit Mums” will be in action all through the summer!
A very sociable way to get back in shape!
These informal one hour cardiovascular and toning sessions are designed specifically for new mothers and babies by a midwife/personal trainer. Adaptable to all fitness levels and postnatal stages within the first year, they are an enjoyable, sociable, informative and safe way to gradually work on regaining fitness levels at a comfortable pace.
Kenilworth and Warwick sessions run all summer and there are some places still available.
Come and join us!
Kenilworth Monday – Abbey Fields 10.30hrs – 11.30hrs
Warwick Friday – St Nicholas Park 10.30hrs – 11.30hrs
Price: A full six week block £40
Contact: Bernadette Fogarty